💖 30 inspirational hadiths💖
01. "Anyone who spent two days, in the same way, was harmed. ”- Al-Hadith
(That is, he who did not use today more than he did yesterday did not improve)
02. Do not be jealous of each other, do not hate each other, and do not turn away from each other - Muslim
03. “The best of you is the one who is best to his family. ”- Ibn Majah
04. "Allah helps the slave as long as he supports his brother." - Sahih Muslim
05. “Whoever wants to be holy, God keeps him holy. - Sahih Bukhari
07. “Spending a morning or an evening in the way of Allah is better than the whole world and all the wealth of the world. ”- Bukhari inspirational hadith
07. “Speaking the truth in the face of an oppressive ruler is the greatest jihad. ”- Tirmidhi
07. “He who seeks knowledge acquires it in the way of Allah. - Tirmizi
09. “If you hold fast to the Qur'an, you will never go astray. - Mishkat
10. "Every man shall reap the fruits of his labor which he hath wrought." - Bukhari
11. "The best of you are the ones who behave the best" - Bukhari
12. “You can save yourself from hell by donating half a date. If not, then speak nicely, Bukhari
13. “A man came to the Prophet (peace be upon him) and said, 'Teach me something so that I can live a beautiful life.' But it’s not something hard that I can forget. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Do not be angry ”- Al-Hadith
14. "If a Muslim plants trees, or cultivates land - from which animals and birds can eat - then he has given a charity" - Muslim
15. “There is something to remove all kinds of stains; There is the remembrance of Allah to remove the scars of the mind ”- Bukhari
16. “Which works best? - To make people happy, to feed the hungry, to help the crippled and the sick, to alleviate the suffering of the afflicted, and to alleviate the pain of the wounded "- Bukhari
16. “If you put your full trust in God, as He should do, then He will surely meet all your needs, just as He does for the birds. They leave the house hungry, but return empty-handed. "- Tirmidhi
16. "Allah wrote on His Throne after the creation of His creation: Surely my mercy will appease my wrath" - Bukhari and Muslim Hadith
19. "Allah will not have mercy on those who do not have mercy on His creation" - Abu Dawood and Tirmidhi
20. “You keep your heart from envying others from morning to night, and from night to morning. - O my people, this is one of my laws, and whoever loves my law - he loves me too ”- Bukhari
21. "Tell the truth at all times - even if it is difficult and disliked by others" - Bayhaqi
22. “Kindness is a sign of the believer; He who has no mercy, has no faith in him ”- Muslim
23. "When you see someone who has been given more wealth and beauty than you, (instead of regretting) look at the person who has been given less" - Muslim
24. "Surely teaching one's child good manners is better than giving grain to the poor" - Muslim Inspirational Hadith
25. “God is merciful to the merciful. So be merciful to the people of the earth, then He who is in heaven will have mercy on you ”- Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi
26. "It is difficult for people to walk on the path of true happiness with the burden of extra wealth on their shoulders" - Muslim
26. “Once a man was walking along the road and saw a thorny branch with painful thorns lying on the road. The man removed the painful object from the road. Allah thanked him and forgave him for all his sins ”- Bukhari
26. “Who are the true sages? - Those who put their knowledge into practice ”- Bukhari
29. “God has revealed to me that you must be humble. No one will be arrogant, and no one will oppress anyone ”- Muslim
30. “Which man is dearest to God? - Through which the other creations of Allah benefit ”- Bukhari
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