🤷‍♂️ How to get a reward even after death🤷‍♂️

 1. Buy a Jainamaz and leave it in the mosque, whoever prays in it, inshaAllah you will be rewarded for that deed.

2. Leave some water in a bowl or glass in your window for the birds; This is also a kind of charity. Make it a habit. You will be rewarded inshaAllah.

3. Donate your old or unused clothing to the poor. If you have the opportunity, donate a set of old clothes on the day you buy new clothes.

4. Keep a box in your room and put as much money as you can into it whenever you think you've done something wrong. Open it at the end of the month and donate it. It is a beautiful way to understand the extent of your mistakes and to repent and correct yourself.

5. Write the dua on a piece of paper on the way in and out of the house. Whoever reads these prayers after seeing them, inshaAllah you will be rewarded for that Similarly, you can write a dua in a place in the house that comes to everyone's notice.

. Help an orphan with your hand money as much as you can. Feed an orphan child without breakfast on any day of the month.

. If there is any construction work going on around your house or workers are working, you can give them some cold water or food. Inshallah, you will be rewarded.

. Leave the Quran in a mosque; When any person reads at least one letter, 10 times the reward will be written for him during his tenure.

9. If water remains in your drinking glass, keep it in a vase, don't waste it.

10. Encourage your Muslim brothers and sisters, help them in times of need, be sympathetic when they are emotionally disturbed.

11. Visit sick relatives or acquaintances. Smile a little, talk. This is also Sadaqa. It is also good to exchange a gentle smile.

12. Do not sleep until you have forgiven those who have hurt you.

13. Teach someone a religion even if it is one letter. When that person, through his children, friends, or his children, his next generation will attain this deen, all those rewards will reach your grave even after death, InshaAllah.

14. If you can afford it, help in setting up mosques, madrasas, hospitals. Plant trees, arrange tubewells, or provide drinking water. Even after your death, Madjid Madrasa will continue to teach religion, patients will continue to receive hospital services, people will get oxygen and food from the trees, and drinking water will be available from the water source you have provided. All this is going on in charity. These will continue to enrich you for the Hereafter even after death.

15. Raise children as good children. Teach religion and humanity. Their prayers will reach the grave, the lessons learned from you will help them to be the right people.

16. Share these good ways with people, teach them. This also includes Sadakaye Zaria. (Collected)